Support Us | Ajiva Talks
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Support Us



At Ajiva Talks, we are dedicated to fostering meaningful conversations, connecting people from all walks of life, and creating a platform where diverse voices are heard. Our mission is to build a community that values open dialogue, intellectual curiosity, and the exchange of ideas.


Please click on the buttons above to pay. The amount you enter should be in INR, though you may use an international card to process the transaction. 

If you want to use your preferred UPI app, our UPI ID is ajivatalks.devi@fam (you can also scan the QR Code below to make a payment to this ID; please don’t send money to any other UPI ID or QR Code except those shared from official Ajiva Talks accounts). 

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Important: to receive confirmation and details of your payment, please enter a valid email address when you are asked so. We don’t send OTPs to verify your email IDs or phone numbers to keep the process fast and simple, which means that there is a risk of a wrong input being recorded without warning. Please make sure you are not entering any wrong information, because that will make it difficult for us to answer any of your queries regarding your payment.

"At Ajiva Talks, we believe that dialogue has the power to shape perspectives, bridge gaps, and create positive change. With your support, we can continue building a platform that fosters meaningful conversations and connects people from all corners of the globe.

Thank you for considering supporting Ajiva Talks. Together, let's keep the conversation alive and thriving!"


FAQs about the payments:

1. Do you provide 80G certificate?

> We do not solicit donations, and therefore, we do not provide an 80G certificate. As a result, your contributions are not eligible for tax deductions. Our contribution process resembles navigating a non-mandatory paywall for accessing our content. Your support is recorded as revenue in our accounts, and we fulfill the corresponding tax obligations.

2. Do you provide invoices?

>Upon successful payment, invoices generated by our payment partner, Stripe, will be promptly sent to you. Simultaneously, the transaction details are recorded on our system. Should you require a more detailed invoice or have any inquiries, kindly contact us via email at

3. Do you provide refunds?

> We kindly request payment for the content you have already accessed, and as such, one-time payments are non-refundable, and cancellations do not apply.


4. Would you return my money if I no longer support you?

We apologize for any disappointment you may have experienced, and we welcome you to share your perspective with us through written communication. It's important to note that we are unable to refund your previous payment, as it was made in exchange for services already rendered at the time of payment. We encourage individuals to make payments only when they are satisfied with our prior work.

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