The Final Silence is a gripping crime thriller that follows Zaara, a small-town girl who becomes entangled in the dark world of university politics. After her friend Aadhya is brutally murdered, Zaara vows to seek justice. As she delves deeper into the corrupt power structures, she uncovers shocking secrets that tie influential faculty members and student leaders to the crime. With the help of Sarthik, a fellow student, Zaara hunts for evidence, unaware that the man she trusts has sinister motives of his own. In a chilling twist, Zaara is betrayed and kidnapped, leading to a race against time. The truth has been buried in silence.
- Genre: Thrillers and Suspense, Mysteries (Books)
- ISBN: 9789357772150
The Final Silence: Born to suffer
SKU: 9789357772150
₹125.00 Regular Price
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