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Interview with Dr. Saroj Dubey

Updated: Jul 29

Dr. Saroj Dubey

Dr. Saroj Dubey, the writer of Rx for Resilience: A Physician’s Perspective on Embracing the Present and Discovering Joy and Strength, has created a transformative guide inspired by a deeply personal and life-altering incident. In this book, Dr. Dubey shares the profound journey of turning life's darkest moments into opportunities for growth and joy.

The book is structured into thirteen enlightening chapters that delve into various aspects of resilience and mindfulness. Dr. Dubey candidly addresses the unpredictable nature of life, offering readers tools to stay present and navigate through challenging times with grace. The exploration of emotions, mindfulness, and meditation is central to the narrative, providing pathways to inner peace and authenticity.

Rx for Resilience is not just a narrative but a practical guide, enriched with exercises designed to help readers cultivate resilience, find solace, and live with vibrancy and purpose. This book is particularly valuable for those facing unexpected challenges or enduring high-pressure environments, offering a roadmap to joy, fortitude, and self-discovery.

Endorsements from notable figures such as Suma Varughese, who describes it as "just what the doctor ordered," and Alan Seale, who praises Dr. Dubey for illustrating the power of mindfulness, underscore the book's impact and relevance.

Dr. Dubey's insights and practical advice make Rx for Resilience a beacon of hope and strength for anyone seeking to embrace the present moment and discover joy amid life's trials.

1. Dr. Dubey, what inspired you to write "Rx for Resilience," and how did the poignant incident that shattered your world shape the narrative of this book?


> There was a very challenging incident which took place in my professional career, which made me dive deeper, and introspect about the meaning of life, and what is happiness etc. Once I developed a fair amount of clarity I wanted to share it with the world an that’s how the book took shape.

2. In your book, you discuss the extraordinary power of embracing life's darkest moments. Can you share a specific example from your own experience where this was particularly transformative for you?

> When I experienced a lot of difficult and challenging emotions, I realised that I had to be present with these emotions. When I surrendered to the emotions and felt it fully, it gave way to a feeling of stillness and peace and presence.


3. "Rx for Resilience" covers thirteen illuminating chapters. Which chapter do you feel holds the most crucial message for readers facing unexpected challenges, and why?


> I feel that the first chapter on breaking open is most important to readers. When things fall apart and one is broken open, if one surrenders to the universe with complete acceptance it can be an alchemy which is life transforming.

4. Mindfulness and meditation are central themes in your book. How did you first come to integrate these practices into your life and professional work as a physician?


> I started becoming interested in mindfulness after reading Eckhart tolles “ The power of Now” . I was practicing meditation and mindfulness for quite some time, but it was during this challenging episode that I realised how much my practices were helping me, and how it was my anchor during this dark period.

5. You emphasize the importance of staying in the present moment. Can you elaborate on some practical exercises from your book that help readers achieve this?


> Right from the time we get up, we can practise being present. While brushing our teeth or showering we can mentally label it as brushing etc. Showering can be a very effective way of coming into present. Then we can practise mindful eating and mindful walking too. I have also described the 4 T’s which  are routine  daily activities which we can use as anchors to become mindful  Very again.

6. The exploration of emotions as pathways to serenity is a fascinating concept. How do you suggest readers begin this journey, especially those who might find it difficult to confront their emotions?


> Indeed it is fascinating to know that our emotions, and esp. the darkest emotions can be a doorway to serenity and peace. But for people who are just starting out, one can start with minor  emotions like slight irritation, mild upset or slight restlessness and practise staying with it for a minute or few seconds. Soon one can extend it to other emotions too.

7. What role does creativity play in unraveling the complexity of our thoughts, and how can readers tap into their creative flow according to your guidance?


> I have dedicated a chapter on creativity because it Is so fascinating. When we become more present and mindful, then we notice and observe much more,  and become more creative. Being a bit still inside, helps a lot in getting the creative juices flowing. I recommend  readers to spend some time in silence which assists the creative process. A form of mindfulness which is the open monitoring method is very useful an I have described it in detail, where rather than focusing on a particular anchor like the breath, we allow all sensations  and thoughts to just float thru in awareness.

8. Your book aims to be a guiding light for those in high-pressure careers. What specific advice do you have for professionals in demanding fields to maintain resilience and joy?


> Very true. Being in a busy medical profession , my aim was also to share simple methods by which busy professionals can take out small moments throughout the day to become grounded and more aware . I call this merging BEING AND DOING. By creating small gaps and pauses thru the day we can step back an shift into the BEING MODE and become grounded and present again.

9. How has your perspective as a physician influenced your approach to writing about resilience and the human experience in "Rx for Resilience"?


>   As a physician and gastroenterologist I see a lot of patients with stress and anxiety as the underlying cause of their physical symptoms.  So I can relate to how by being more present and mindful, it can reduce their stress and improve their physical symptoms as well. Also the first chapter describes about how a  patient of mine denveloped lethal complications, and how her passing away impacted me on a personal level.

10. Lastly, what do you hope readers will take away from your book, and how do you envision it impacting their lives in the long term?

> I hope that after reading the book, the readers understand how vital it is to say yes to this moment unconditionally, and to accept it an embrace it. Accepting it without resistance gives us the strength to change things . And also about how we need to bring our challenging emotions and feelings close to us and not try to suppress it.


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